

‘It’s been a few weeks now since we received the (autism) diagnosis. I can’t tell you the positive impact this has already had. (Our child’s) whole body language has changed and I can almost physically see the weight that has been lifted after so many years of uncertainty and angst. He now understands ‘why’ certain situations have been so difficult for him. He seems relieved and so so happy! I cannot fault the service we received. It was prompt, organised and very professional, but also one of the most warm and compassionate services I have ever come across.’


‘Farah has been invaluable this year in terms of playing a key role in developing the provision for students with Speech and Language and Communication difficulties. She has worked with our school in a wide range of capacities, from 1:1 work with individual students, assessments, contributing to applications for EHCPs, learning walks, providing resources for displays, leading meetings with parents and individual and whole staff training’. 

Mainstream SENCo

‘The Therapist takes a very holistic view of the needs of our students as well as contributing her specialist Autism knowledge. She is extremely flexible and responsive to our needs. She always responds to emails. She is reliable and has built up an excellent reputation in the academy. I cannot thank her enough for her support and expertise'. 

Mainstream Secondary School SENCo

‘Farah has supported our school with autism assessments and worked with our parents to help them understand the whole process. This has led to families who have been resistant to further assessment, opening up and being heavily involved in the process. She has spent time with our families and students to help them understand Autism and the wonderful qualities children/young people have as a result of their Autism.’ 

Mainstream Secondary School SENCo

‘The Therapist worked with individual students and did whole staff training for our school. We have never had such a positive response to staff training. The feedback given to staff on strategies to use with the individual students who had been assessed was invaluable.’

HLTA at a Behavioural School

‘You have had so much of an impact on our children and staff and will always be welcome at our school. You’ve been a part of our journey and for that I will always be grateful’. 

Mainstream Primary School Assistant HeadTeacher 

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